How to Clean Fuse Holder | Hinew

Apply a thin coating of anti-corrosion lubricant to the inside of the fuse holder and the surface of the fuse connectors. The lubricant will help to seal out future moisture contamination.

Pull the fuse from the holder and inspect the metal connectors on the fuse. If the fuse shows any signs of pitting on the surface, replace the fuse, do not reuse it. Inspect the fuse holder connectors. Like the fuse, if the “U” shaped spring holder shows surface damage, replace the holders.

Spray the corroded connectors with the electrical contact cleaner. Scrub the contacts with the old toothbrush to remove the powdered corrosion. Spray the cleaner again to remove the debris. Inspect the surface of the connectors for pitting.

Brighten the inside of the holders using the emery cloth. Tear a small piece of the emery cloth and rub against the inside of the connector. Fold a piece of the abrasive over the end of a flat screwdriver for hard-to-reach areas on the fuse holder. Exercise caution so as not to push too hard on the spring connector, which may break.

Post time: Sep-03-2018